20,000+ total participants
Network with 20,000+ participants representing the dietary supplement, food and beverage, pet health and personal care industries.
1,500+ exhibiting companies
Explore a diverse range of offerings from:
135+ hours of education and insights
Learn from industry experts and thought-leaders presenting on the hottest topics shaping the future of the health and nutrition landscape.
8 education sessions
Deep dive into various nutrition topics and get empowered with practical knowledge to navigate the complexities of modern wellness during our two-hour sessions.
8 learning power-hour sessions
One-hour sessions crafted to provide rich learnings in a condensed time frame.
4 knowledge and networking sessions
Join our learning parties! These 105-minute education sessions are followed by a 60-minute happy hour Q&A/networking.
2 professional development workshops
90-minute workshops designed to propel you forward in your professional career within the health and nutrition industry.
The Fi North America Theater is back with some new interactive topical sessions. During these mostly half-hour events, participants are encouraged to engage beyond the usual Q&A portion. Get ready for tastings, audience-participation exercises and more.
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Learn about expanding and improving your business and the health & nutrition industry in this free-to-attend, live, interactive forum. The SupplySide Stage is designed to delve into hot topics facing the industry and offers inspiring presentations to expand your thinking and outline strategic tactics to advance businesses.
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Stop by the Supplier Presentation Theaters on the show floor to learn about the newest ingredient innovations, use cases and scientific findings to power your next product. These sponsored presentations are devoted to ingredient and service-specific science, applications, formulation and marketing.
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SupplySide West and Food ingredients North America does not offer attendee email lists or sell attendee contact information due to our strict adherence to data protection and privacy laws. If you are contacted by third-party companies via email, phone or fax, offering email lists, please be aware that the information they offer should be considered entirely suspect, as we do not allow access to the contact information of show attendee registrants in any manner. To learn more, click here.
Please be reminded that onPeak is the only hotel provider endorsed by SupplySide West. If you are contacted by other third-party companies via email or phone offering hotel assistance, please be aware they are not endorsed by our event. Entering into financial agreements with these companies can have costly consequences and is not protected by event management.